You mention little about it in your web site, but certainly, men who aren't able to enjoy their masturbation are likely to confuse it with intercourse and subject women to the experience of being masturbation simulators rather than real persons with whom to interact. This is a common infliction of men, especially those who were educated Catholic, which taught that masturbation is sinful. How the church has distorted what should be the natural pleasure of every man is so bizarre, even more bizarre than what they have taught women about the sinfulness of sex.
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Catholic Masturbation Guilt 3
As an older man who grew up Catholic, I now realize that the church did a major disservice to me, and continues to do the same to young Catholic men (and women) as well as to priests (and nuns). That disservice was to teach me that any expression of my sexuality was a sin unless it was by intercourse with my wife (which no young Catholic male has). Of course I "sinned"!
Catholic Masturbation Guilt 2
I've just finished studying at theological college. I found your web site by accident a couple of months ago and I feel like I've come home. At last I've found somewhere where I can be frank and admit to masturbating, and where others are frank enough to admit to it, too. I was also very interested in the recent entry on Catholic masturbation guilt, as I had a similar experience myself. I was fairly carefree about masturbation as a teenager. My mother gave me a "talk" when I was 13. She told me that now I was growing up and I might find that I sometimes "wet myself" in bed.
Catholic Masturbation Guilt
I am a Catholic priest with over 40 years' experience of a religious vow of celibacy. 30 years ago one of my priest formators was preaching that "masturbation is just as natural as blowing your nose." But I could never quite get my mind around that, having swallowed the official teaching that masturbation was a mortal sin. But just recently a non-catholic friend said to me: "Masturbation is a necessary expression of your masculine sexuality," and something clicked. I thought about it for a bit and could see how masturbating helped me to really live in my body and to own my sexuality.
New to the neighborhood
I was raised in a Catholic house -- but that didn't stop me from discovering this wonder of nature!
All signs point to pleasure
As a boy of 6 I stayed on my uncle's farm for the summer. His 2 daughters were older than me by 6 and 7 years. Being farm girls they knew about sex and loved to take me to the attic where spare featherbeds were kept. There we all got naked and on those big, fluffy mattresses they taught me the basics of sex. I remember my little penis getting hard, and how it felt good when they would ride it (without penetration). But they rode it so long it got sore and I insisted on playing a different game.
Standard practice
I am in my 50s and live in the center of Europe. The first time I came in contact with masturbation was when I was about 4. A same-age friend of mine and I were playing in a small forest, when an older guy of 10 or 12 joined us. Soon we were sitting under the bushes and discussing all sorts of things. We must have been talking about the opposite sex, when the older boy undid his trousers and started to rub his penis. He invited us to do the same, but with our 3 to 4 centimeters only at the time, we both were ashamed to unpack our treasure.
Bear with me
The first time I masturbated I was 11. I remember rubbing up against this big stuffed bear I had and then feeling great. I would do this before I went to sleep for about 2 years, and then I realized a liquid was coming out, so I began to masturbate in dirty socks and underwear. I grew up in a Catholic family, and in Catholic school I learned it was a sin to masturbate -- but it never made me stop, at least not for more than 2 weeks.
Hogan's Heroes
I don't remember the first time I masturbated. The first time I remember I was very young, probably between the 2nd and 3rd grade. My brother and sister and I had been playing, but I said I was going to take a nap and asked them to be quiet because, "the kind of dreams I want to dream I need quiet for." I lay under the covers, pulled down my pants, and began rubbing my penis ("peepee" as it was called) on the mattress. I fantasized about masturbation ("it" as I called it) being contagious, and that if anyone slept in my bed after I had done it then they would do it, too.
Friends give a helping hand
I am in my early 50s, maturing in the mid and late 1950s (before the "sexual revolution"). I have been married for 30-plus years. I began masturbating at the age of 8 or 9 (about 4th grade). I did not discover this amazing pastime by myself; rather, I was introduced to it by 2 friends, both older (10 and 11). This started before I had begun to physically mature, so my penis was only about 2 inches long when erect. I used 2 hands, sliding up and down the shaft. Rapid pumping up and down would get me to orgasm. Orgasms were dry but they felt good, so I continued to masturbate.